In the heart of London on the New Bond Street in 1744, an exceptional auction house was born with a revered tradition of marketing the world’s most cherished possessions. A tradition, more than two centuries old, that provides authentic knowledge comparable to none. As the oldest company listed on the New York Stock Exchange (BID), Sotheby’s has a global network of 90 offices in 40 countries.
Today, Sotheby’s presents auctions in eight different salesrooms including New York, London, Hong Kong and Paris. Sotheby’s offers collectors the resources of Sotheby’s Financial Services, the world’s only full service art financing company, as well as private sale opportunities in more than 70 categories, including the gallery arm of Sotheby’s Contemporary Art department, and two retail businesses, Sotheby’s Diamonds and Sotheby’s Wine.
More than 270 years later, the company is a world leader in art sales. In the spirit of innovation, Sotheby’s International Realty was launched in 1976, to provide a service for distinguished clientele to sell their most prized possession, their home. Together, the companies collaborate to offer a unique and exclusive experience to a coveted and influential audience. This distinguishes the brand throughout the global markets that Sotheby’s serves.